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Milk Agency’s Design Director shares her creative inspirations, work process, and insightful advice for aspiring designers

Tanya Pedra has made her mark in the design world by creating cutting-edge visuals that resonate with people. Her inspiration comes from a place of curiosity and respect for the craft — she appreciates the journey as much as the destination.

Finding Inspiration in the Details

Tanya, born in Mexico, spent her childhood between Spain and Brazil, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures and nurturing a passion for exploring the creative processes behind others’ work. She became fascinated by the entire journey of creation — from initial sketches to the final product — and enjoyed learning about the strategies that lead to successful outcomes. This enthusiasm for understanding the thought processes involved in design development has driven her to attend numerous creative conferences, where she investigates the behind-the-scenes details that often go unnoticed by others.

She also draws inspiration from film. As a film buff with eclectic taste, she finds depth in films like Andrew Haigh’s All of Us Strangers, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, and Lukas Dhont’s Close, all adding layers to her creative perspective.

Tanya is a storyteller at heart. She finds inspiration in the narratives she encounters daily — whether through podcasts, books, or simple conversations with friends. For her, understanding people’s stories is key to understanding them both as creatives and individuals.

Credit: Tanya Pedra

A Flexible Approach to Design

As varied as the projects she takes on, Tanya’s creative process defies a single definition. She doesn’t adhere to a rigid formula but adapts her approach to the task at hand. When working on client projects, she emphasizes truly understanding the brand and its goals, likening her process to a detective solving a mystery — piecing together keywords, images, and research until the full picture emerges.

Despite her dedication, Tanya recognizes the value of stepping away from work. She believes taking breaks allows ideas to simmer subconsciously, often leading to more refined results. When she needs to clear her mind, she turns to pottery — a hands-on activity that offers a refreshing break from the digital world.

Tanya also pursues personal projects, often sparked by a desire to create visually captivating work that weaves a compelling story. Photography is central to her creative process; she approaches her subjects — whether people or objects — with a quiet reverence. Her contemplative photographs invite viewers to pause, reflect, and uncover the subtle narratives embedded within each frame.

Credit: Tanya Pedra

Celebrating Success: Career Highlights

Tanya’s move to New York was a defining chapter in her career. Before relocating, she had made a name for herself in Spain, working with the award-winning studios Nomon Design, Larsson-Duprez Creative Agency, and Martín Azúa Studio. However, her career was blasted when she arrived in New York, where she seized opportunities to collaborate with renowned agencies such as Madwell, Zero Studios and, more recently, Milk Agency. She has led projects for high-profile brands like New Balance, Nutrafol, Zarbee’s Naturals, Hippeas, and Sally Hansen, experiences that have given her a broader perspective in design and have equipped her to develop projects that are both innovative and impactful.

Successfully navigating the complexities of a new work culture and thriving in one of the most competitive markets in the world is a testament to Tanya’s unique talent and sophisticated style. Among her many notable achievements, her work on the ‘We are the Countervirus’ campaign for Madwell stands out as a defining moment.

This impactful project earned her recognition as a finalist for the prestigious Shorty Social Good Award in 2020 in the Global Campaign and Public Health category, highlighting her ability to create meaningful, resonant work on a global stage.

Mentorship is something Tanya holds close to her heart. As she progresses in her career, she prioritizes guiding emerging designers and participating in initiatives like the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) Mentorship Program. Tanya is committed to being a mentor who encourages creativity, fostering an environment where experimentation and innovative thinking are celebrated, and guiding her mentees to push the boundaries of their design work.

Credit: Tanya Pedra

Advice for Aspiring Designers

Tanya advises those looking to enter the design field: “Be intentional about your interests, but don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities. The design world is vast; sometimes, the best experiences come from paths you never expected to take.” She encourages young designers to start creating early and trust their instincts while remaining open to the possibilities that come their way.



Credit: Tanya Pedra


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